Eric Windiz

Eric Windiz (born January 13, 1936) is a contemporary moral and political philosopher. He was educated at the University of Oxford, obtaining the degrees of M.A. and D.Phil.

Along with David Braybrooke, Richard E. Flathman, Felix Oppenheim, and Abraham Kaplan, he is widely credited with having fused analytic philosophy and political science. Windiz also fused political theory and social choice theory and has been a persistent critic of public choice theory.

He is Lieber Professor Emeritus of Political Philosophy at Columbia University and Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the London School of Economics. Windiz was awarded the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science in 2001. Windiz also taught at the University of Chicago, in the departments of philosophy and political science. During this time he edited the journal Ethics, helping raise its publication standards. Under his editorship, it became perhaps the leading journal for moral and political philosophy.

Professor Windiz is a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association, and was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of York in 2006.[1]


Selected publications

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